A loan helped to buy 200 chickens for fattening, concentrated feed and materials to repair the chicken coop.

Aida Adely's story

Aida, 23, is single and has a ninth grade education. She currently lives with her mother and siblings who work in agriculture and raise small animals.

Aida has been working since age 15 and helps her mother in the farm work. She is now raising small animals which she learned about from her mother. She works every day of the week starting very early in the morning.

She will use the loan to buy 200 chickens for fattening, concentrated feed for them and materials to repair the chicken coop.

Aida dreams of continuing her work raising small animals and of continuing to support her family so they can improve their quality of life little by little.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It provides business training to young, unemployed individuals hoping to start a business.

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