Ana Julia R. D. L. is 54 years old. She is a very hardworking woman who lives with her husband and two children, who go to school. She lives with them in the department of Usulután. Ana owns her own perishable products store where she sells products such as: snacks, soda, juice, milk, bread, basic grains and more. The business is located at her house, which is very beneficial to her because it allows her to take care of her home and attend the store at the same time. Despite having a lot of competition, she has a lot of customers who use her products every day. Ana is asking for a loan with which she will have enough money to supply the store, buying products wholesale. This way she will have what she needs to best serve her customers and also get some more. Ana really wants to increase her sales and in this way live better with her family.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue. View original language description.