A loan helped to purchase soil amendments and poles, and pay labor costs for her tomato crop.

Llaneth Noemi's story

Llaneth is 46 years old and lives with her spouse, 6 children, and 2 grandchildren in the parish of Cahuasqui.

Llaneth works in agriculture and has always sought a way to get ahead with the household expenses. For this reason, she works as a day laborer on the neighbor's land, raises animals such as pigs and chickens, and helps with their own crops with her spouse.

At this time, they are growing tree tomatoes, the reason for which she is again asking for a loan to purchase soil amendments and poles to build the branches and pay labor costs, as well as continuing to raise chickens and pigs since this business is the household's income.

Llaneth would be very grateful to Kiva if they helped her with the loan again to be able to continue keeping her crop in good condition and then, after some months, to have a good quality product and sell it at a good price. This would help with the education of all her children since they are all of school age. This will be the fourth loan Llaneth has had with Kiva. She paid off her previous three loans on time.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It finances farmers' secondary income generating business.

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