A loan helped to pay for household latrine construction.

Putheyrit's story

Putheyrit, 64, is a married man with one child living in Kiri Vong District, Takeo Province. He is a conscientious seller with his spouse and this couple can earn in the vicinity of USD 11 each day. He has been doing this for almost three years. This career provides all of his family’s income. He aspires to achieve financial stability and provide his children with comfortable living conditions.

Because of a shortage in his finances, he has applied for a loan in the amount of KHR 7,000,000 to pay for household latrine construction. This fund can encourage him to pay to purchase construction supplies as well pay for labor costs. This latrine is very useful for his family members such as to prevent the spread of various diseases, dignified to live, clean and comfortable, there is a suitable place for bathing, participate in social sanitation, no mud around the house.

He aims to purchase more land for agricultural purposes and open a small grocery store to earn additional income. He sends his thanks to all lenders for helping his family.

This loan is special because:

It provides access for rural households in Cambodia to a more clean and hygienic living environment.

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