A loan helped a women owned business found in an underserved community thrive in such challenging times.

Gladys's story

I have lived in an underserved community for most of my life. Without a proper education I would not be where I am today. As a first generation college graduate, I have broken the barrier to entry in building generational wealth for my family.

I am motivated by my mother who is my greatest inspiration and by the life I had growing up. My life experiences have molded me into becoming the person I am today. I want to inspire others who find themselves in these underserved communities to believe that anything you set your mind to is possible.

This loan is special because:

It supports a female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About Tony's Fusion Foods

Industry: Food
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: neliaslabirria.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details