A loan helped to start a business of raising and selling cattle by purchasing cattle.

Parvina's story

Parvina is an aspiring business woman. She is 43 years old. She is married and the mother of 3 children. arvina wants to start her business of buying and selling cattle. Despite her young ange and little work experience, she is not afraid to start her own business, because a large part of the region of Panjakent is engaged in raising livestock. And Parvina knows that she can at any time ask her neighbors for advice.

Parvina's parents also worked with livestock, but they kept their animals for personal use. All of the experience that Parvina got from her parents will be used in her business. In order to start the business, Parvina needs to buy a few head of cattle. Unfortunately, in order to buy the required number of cows, she does not have enough money, that's why she is asking for a loan. Parvina is trying to feed her children. She believes in you and hopes that you will help her and that she will not be left without work.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Susan Vdovichenko.

This loan is special because:

It helps a vulnerable person start a new business.

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