A loan helped to purchase pigs to fatten, quintals of potatoes, balanced feed and whey.

Jessenia Estefania's story

Jessenia is 23 years old. She is enthusiastic and enterprising. She lives with her parents in the rural sector of San Cristóbal. Jessenia's goal is to have a job and is struggling to find one. She makes a living raising pigs with the support of her mother, who takes care of them while she is at school and cannot take care of the animals. She wishes to touch the hearts of the lenders and obtain her first loan which she plans to use to purchase pigs to fatten, quintals of potatoes, balanced feed and whey. They go on sale soon so Jessenia can earn income which will allow her to pay for part of her school fees.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Shannon Perko.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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Lenders and lending teams

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