A loan helped to help Eunah to buy more secondhand clothes and repair her stand.

Eunah's story

Eunah is 43 years old. She is happily married and blessed with two children. Her husband is in the transport sector and she sells secondhand clothes to a wide range of customers who can afford the clothes. The major challenge that she faces is the lack of stock to boost her sales.

This is the fifth loan that she is requesting and all through she has been a faithful steward in repaying all her loans. Eunah is kindly requesting a loan to increase her stock in order to boost her sales and she will repay her loan using the profits she makes. Her dream is to expand her business and become a successful businesswoman in the future.

This loan is special because:

It gives financial access to low income micro-entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details