A loan helped a member to purchase a variety of animals, in addition to fabric and thread.

Reinas De Trapichitos Group's story

Aurelia, a 59-year-old woman and mother of 6 children who are older than 18, has been a very busy women with two businesses. She raises poultry and sells them from her house. She also does sewing. They all have a complete education and she is the grandmother of 10 children. She asks for her sixth Kiva loan to purchase a variety of animals, in addition to fabric and thread.

Aurelia is also the president of the Friendship Bridge communal bank Reinas de Trapichitos, in a rural zone of the department/state of Quiché. There are 6 other Maya women who speak the language of the Sacapulteco area. They have agricultural businesses of tomatoes and raising chicken, and sewing.

They meet monthly to make their loan payments and participate in educational sessions, part of the Microcrédito Plus program of loans, education, and health services. The topics are essential for their success and include information about businesses, family, women, and health. Every two months, they have access to basic health care services such as Pap smears, breast exams, blood pressure and blood sugar tests, and more. This is especially important because the health system in Guatemala is quite deficient.

Thank you to each one of you!

In this group: Aurelia, Felipa, Maria, Ana Carolina , Francisca Noemi , Micaela , Ana Maria

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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