A loan helped a member to buy palm leaves and some animals.

Cruzche Iii Group's story

Eulogia, age 55, is a widow and the mother of five children older than 18 (all completed primary school). She lives in the department/state of Quiché and has no education.

For 25 years, she has run four businesses. Because of the death of her husband, she began to resell firewood. Ten years later, she found a more stable source of income in handcrafted palm objects. She makes bottle carriers that she sells wholesale. Eulogia feels supported by her daughters in this business. In her free time, she also arranges threads and raises animals (chickens, ducks, goats) that she sells in the market. With her 9th loan from Kiva, Eulogia expects to buy palm leaves and some animals.

Eulogia is one of the eight maya K'iche women who participate in the loan programs, educational talks, and bimonthly health services [called] Puente de Amistad "Microcrédito Plus." Her communal bank is called "Cruzche Iii." The women have businesses of palm handicrafts, arranging threads, and raising animals. The educational talks are vital for their success as women (self-esteem, empowerment, rights/roles of women), mothers (nutrition, hygiene, health), and businesswomen (business management tools).

Their facilitator, who designs these classes, speaks their language, Maya K'iche. Every two months, a visiting nurse comes to their community and offers all types of consultations, examinations, and services in a program called "Health for the Entire Life."

Thank you, Kiva lenders, for helping.

In this group: Fermina, Santos Laura, Teresa Jesus, Eulogia, Petronila , Petronila Nicolasa , Marcelina , Nicolasa

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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