A loan helped a member to purchase more tomatoes to sell.

Tuzamurane H0009 Group's story

Greetings from Rwanda!

Claudine is 43 years old, married, and has four children. She sells tomatoes to the community.She is a group leader of Tuzamurane H0009 Group. In the picture, she is the one who has a watch on her hand.

She has been in this business now for 11 years, but lack of enough capital prevents her from reaching her target of expanding her business. That's why she has requested this loan to purchase more tomatoes to sell.

With any profits, she will be able to afford to pay her children's school fees, to buy enough food for her children, and to grow her business.

Claudine is very grateful for support from lenders!

In this group: Claudine , Joseph , Esperance

This loan is special because:

It supports female entrepreneurs helping to rebuild Rwanda's economy.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details