A loan helped to purchase more ingredients that will be used to prepare and cook food to sell.

Ida's story

This is 49-year-old Ida. She is single with 2 children.

She runs a business where she sells cooked food.

She asked for a loan with BRAC Liberia, a Kiva field partner. She is seeking the loan to purchase more ingredients that will be used to prepare and cook food to sell to increase her business in order to ensure that she meets her customers' demands.

Her love for her business continues to grow every day. She enjoys interacting with her customers because it enables her to grow her customer base. Through her profits, she will be able to pay back the loan and to improve her standard of living.

In the future, she would like to have a store and continue sending her children to school.

This loan is special because:

It serves low-income individuals in rural Liberia where few alternative funding sources exist.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details