A loan helped a member to buy more chickens and cattle.

Flor De Mi Tierra Group's story

Celestina, a 31-year-old mother of a 6-year-old daughter, is married to a farmer. She opened her animal husbandry businesses 3 years ago and raises “pollos criollos” (a strong breed of chicken) as well as cattle. She sells the eggs from her hens. Her goals are to save funds to open a new business and also save for her daughter’s future education.

Celestina has 6 years of formal education. With her 1st Kiva loan, she would like to buy more animals to raise.

As Secretary of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Flor de mi Tierra” or “Flower of my Land”, Celestina keeps careful track of the monthly meetings. There are 7 other women in her group who live in the department/state of San Marcos. All have traditional textile and animal husbandry businesses. They meet monthly, make loan payments and then participate in an interactive educational training, part of the Microcredit “Plus” program, designed by a Facilitator, who uses pictures, diagrams, role playing and games to share the information. Often they share about health, women’s issues, family matters, with family members and friends. They also acquire effective business management practices.

These women send their gratitude to Kiva lenders from all parts of the world who fund their much-appreciated loans. Thank you to each of you for helping Celestina and her friends help themselves!!

In this group: Amabilia Ester , Dora Hermelinda , Flora Leticia, Catalina Francisca, Celestina Teresa , Aurelia Odilia , Estela Agapita , Regina Marili

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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