A loan helped to make her University payment and to pursue a bachelor's degree in Journalism.

Guliza's story

Guliza is an 18-years-old young woman. She studied hard in her secondary school and successfully passed her higher education exams. She is first year student at the State University, studying Journalism.

Guliza started to find financial support on her own, as Guliza's family members have no source of significant income to be able to cover her higher education costs. Guliza's credit request was approved through the educational loan program, that is joint initiative between Credo Bank and Kiva.

Guliza is keen to successfully study for her future career, participate in student activities and take many kind of training. After graduation, she plans to start work in her profession and generate a significant income. She hopes to become competitive and an intelligent figure in her profession.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details