A loan helped to purchase fuel drums to resell.

Jenitha's story

Jenitha is a Papua New Guinean businesswoman who lives in the Wewak district in the Yamben village. She is married and has two children. She owns a fuel station business and retailing fuel to the community. She normally does this business in two different locations, where she set up within two years of running this business.

Jenitha is an honest borrower who has fully paid her first loan. The loan enabled her to increase the inventory for her sales and start restocking fuel. The number of clients has rapidly increased, which resulted in a profit increase.

Jenitha was also happy that she created two more employment opportunities for others, including her family members. Now, they are able to support their families. She is requesting another loan to increase the existing inventory and purchase more fuel drums to resell.

This loan is special because:

It promotes financial independence for marginalized women entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details