A loan helped a woman-led women's health business expand its outreach and build a practitioner training program.

Alexandra's story

As a young girl, I needed the care offered through my business, ORIGIN Pelvic Care. I went to Nursing School with a mission to help women and became a Women's Specialty Nurse, which then led to me branching off and building my private practice with the prayer to care for women in a profoundly supportive and holistic way. In the journey of womanhood, many women find themselves feeling unsupported in their bodies and reproductive health with few resources available. ORIGIN Pelvic Care is hands-on care that supports optimal pelvic health through exceptional care while teaching women body literacy and helping them to live lives of empowered wellness. This care serves women in Reproductive Health, Sexual Health, and The Birth Continuum. My clients describe this care as a "miracle," frequently reflecting that they "wish more women knew this kind of care existed." I believe in so much more for our womanhood, and my client's success fuels my passion which is why I hope to expand outreach and build an accredited practitioner program.

This loan is special because:

It supports a female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About ORIGIN Pelvic Care

Industry: Health
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: originpelviccare.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details