A loan helped to pay for plowing and other expenses for their plantation, and also for exporting the crops overseas.

'Ofa's story

This mother's name is 'Ofa. She is 51 years old, and she is married to a farmer with 2 children. Currently, she and her husband own and operate a plantation business, where they grow diverse types of crops then sell them to earn income for their family. It is more than decades since this business started, and her family has witnessed the benefits they received. The plantation serves the family not only by providing an income, but it is also their source of food.

'Ofa has applied for another loan, hoping to cover the financial needs of plowing and other expenses at the plantation, including the need to export their yam crops overseas.

'Ofa's main priority is to continue receiving loans in order for her business to operate well, and to earn enough savings to build a better house for her family.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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