A loan helped to buy trousers, shirts, blouses and shorts among other items for sale.

Henny Katiuska's story

Henny Katiuska is 36 years old, single and has an adult son and another under 9 years old. She lives with her children in the city of Manta, a place known for its extensive fishing and industrial trade, its beautiful beaches and rich gastronomy, very popular in the province of Manabi.

Henny Katiuska is a dedicated woman who works very hard to help her children. At home she sells men and women clothing such as trousers, shirts, blouses and shorts among other items of clothing. She has been working in this business for some years, 3 days a week.

She has an established clientele who will visit her and buy her merchandise because of the good quality. She uses social media to promote her clothes. She provides payment facilities with fortnightly instalments.

The loan is to buy trousers, shirts, blouses and shorts among other items.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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