A loan helped jewelDeone reinvent the way skin care products are made in an innovative way.

Raneka's story

JewelDeone, founded in 2022, is an extension of my licensed hair therapist business. I have been in the industry for 14 years, and with all the knowledge I've obtained, I've decided to expand my business into a hair and skin care line.

I aimed to target skin conditions related to chemical exposure in the environments and other products that use unnatural ingredients. My mission is to serve the skin, not disturb the skin. We create products to help your skin thrive and be rejuvenated with a glow that' ll leave you radiating and full of confidence.

This loan is special because:

It supports a starting entrepreneur to create their dream business.

Loan details

About JewelDeone

Industry: Retail
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years
Website: jeweldeone.com

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details