A loan helped to purchase fish.

Leddy Mariuxi's story

Leddy Mariuxi is 38 years old, married, and has an adult child and two minors, ages 14 and 9. Her spouse is a fisher. They live in the canton of Jaramijo, a place known for its broad fishing trade and hardworking people. It has a lovely beach which welcomes many tourists from the province of Manabí.

Leddy Mariuxi is an enterprising woman who daily works very hard for her family's wellbeing. At her house, she sells fish whole and by the pound. She has been working at her business for a year and a half. She daily is at the service of her neighbors, offering her products with great service. She has trusted customers to whom she sells on credit with weekly and fortnightly payments. Her objective is to maintain her fish business and, in the future, be able to expand it.

The loan is to purchase fish.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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