A loan helped to buy another hammer mill.

Ngubulu's story

Fredrick is a male client of a Microfinance institution in Zambia. He is married and has 4 children who are all in school, he is the third born in a family of four.

Fredrick owns seven hammer mills which are doing very well at the moment. He started his business 15 years ago with starting capital of ZMW 1,000. He received his start-up capital from his farming business.

Fredrick is a good mechanic and as such he decided to invest his startup capital to buy spare parts for hammer mills and start a business fixing them. His business grew and he, later on, managed to buy his own hammer mill. Fredrick had the desire of seeing his business grow bigger so he decided to get a loan from a Microfinance Institution in Zambia.

He plans to use the loan to buy another hammer mill.

This loan is special because:

It empowers both farming and non-farming households in rural Zambia.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details