A loan helped to buy Brown Swiss cattle to produce more milk.

Sandra's story

Sandra is 29 years old. She's not married but she lives with her boyfriend. She is the mother of a nine year old girl. The client and her boyfriend make their living from unpasteurized milk. Sandra's boyfriend also earns extra money by preparing fields for sowing and harvesting, collecting manure and cutting bulrush. Sandra has been producing milk for 20 years, in other words, since she was a child. She learned this work from her parents. She sells her milk to an intermediary.

Sandra wants a loan to buy Brown Swiss cattle. This will enable her to turn in a larger quantity of milk to the business that needs her product.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary Jean .

This loan is special because:

It reaches low-income populations by not requiring collateral or co-signers.

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