Norma is 41 years old. She is married and she is a mother of three children. She is a hardworking woman who makes a living selling clothing and vegetables. She also receives income from remittances sent from abroad. She started her business activity with the support of her friends, who had a plot of land where they grew vegetables and went out to sell to neighboring communities.
She is applying for a loan from Fundenuse with Kiva funds to buy raw materials. Her plans are to make improvements to her home. She is part of the "Flor de Santa Rosa" solidarity group along with Doris, who sells fried food, tortillas, and ground coffee, and Maryuris, who has a grocery store and sells fruit and vegetables.
In this group: Norma, Doris , Maryuris
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Amy Volz. View original language description.