A loan helped to buy silk thread, colour dyes, a good quality loom, wooden spindles, a reeling machine, and essential weaving equipment needed.

Niam's story

Niam is a local woman who resides in a rural Khmer community located in Surin province, Thailand. She lives with her husband, adult child, and two grandchildren who are school-aged. Her family primarily earns an income by cultivating rice, and she weaves silk cloth for sale.

Niam began weaving a long time ago. She learned these skills through other villagers in her community. Weaving skills require smooth coordination between hand and eyes, so she practiced and developed her skills in the past years before deciding to launch a weaving business. She weaves several different products made from silk and sells them at the market. Like other weavers in the village, she sometimes receives orders from customers to weave and design silk products for them.

Although her business has been running smoother, she still lacks some part of the weaving equipment to conduct the work. Therefore, Niam applied for a second loan to purchase silk thread, colour dyes, a good quality loom, wooden spindles, a reeling machine, and essential weaving equipment required. This loan will bring Niam a new hope to produce enough products to fulfill customers' demands and have more savings.

This loan is special because:

It helps women living in rural areas improve financial literacy and invest in their businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details