A loan helped to buy dairy cows to increase her cattle headcount as well as sales of organic milk.

Tynara's story

Sweet Tynara says hello and thank you to Kiva and to all creditors for prior financing. Tynara is 51 years old and is married. Her eldest children are grown already, and live separately, while her youngest son is in school and lives with her. She has post-secondary education. In her nature, Tynara is a kind and empathetic woman. Thank you her hard work, her farm currently has 8 cows, 1 horse and 1.2 hectares of land on which she grows alfalfa. With the goal of further developing her business, Tynara has once again turned to Bai Tushum bank for a loan in the amount of 220,000 somoni (KGS). This will be used to increase her sales of organic milk. The profits from the loan will help her improve her family's financial wellbeing and will help her expand her farm.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Nina Lamotchkina.

This loan is special because:

It supports organic farming and includes a lower interest rate.

Loan details

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Loan details