A loan helped to pay for the vehicle's maintenance fees and to pay for a bulk of traditional mats to resell to her customers.

Lissing's story

Lissing aged 23, is a brilliant woman who is determined to secure a better life for herself through business. Her partner is a seasonal worker. She lives with her partner at a shanty rental space, which is a 10 minutes drive to Port Vila. She currently runs a transportation business and sells traditional mats to earn a living.

She initially started this business with the aim of supporting her household. She currently owns a transportation vehicle that is managed by her parents at her home island in Malekula. This is because, transportation is very much needed in her community. She also ships in traditional mats from her home island to resell to her customers in Port Vila.

Her dream is to purchase a land and build a permanent home for herself and her partner. Her current plan is to maintain her transportation vehicle and increase her stock for traditional mats. However, she needs financial assistance to execute her plan.

She is requesting a loan to pay for the vehicle's maintenance fees. She will also use this loan to pay for a bulk of traditional mats from her home island in Malekula to resell in Port Vila. With the income earned, she will pay for her household necessities and save money to invest in her future plans.

Please kindly support Lissing!

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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