Johnny Stalin is 34 years old, married, and has two children (ages 14 and 9) who are in school. His wife is an agricultural engineer. They live in their own home in the neighborhood of Naranjo, which is in Colon Parish. The people work in agriculture. The local cuisine is varied and appreciated, which includes roasted meats cooked in clay pots.
Johnny Stalin is also an agricultural engineer. He performs land surveys for farms and other clients in need of his services. Johnny Stalin also works as an electrician and is hired by private individuals. He works Monday through Saturday for the entire day.
This loan will be used to buy electrical cables, outlets, torch tip nozzles, breakers, voltage meters, and other supplies. His dream is to have a farm where he can plant and harvest many crops, as well as see his family in good health.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.