A loan helped to venture into poultry production.

Prisca's story

Prisca is an 18-year-old entrepreneur, who lives with her mother in the Kasama district in Zambia. She currently sells cupcakes. Prisca is looking to venture into a more profitable business by selling chickens in her village.

Prisca is requesting a Kiva loan to venture into poultry production. She plans to use the profit she earns to provide for her family's basic needs and to reinvest into the business. She will repay the 'social interest' on her loan by volunteering 3 hours per week as a CAMFED Financial Education Guide. This entails supporting other young women in her community, by teaching them about financial literacy and best practices for setting up a business.

This loan is special because:

It is a 0% interest loan for young women with new businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details