A loan helped to purchase assorted clothing such as joggers, blouses and shorts for resale.

Marybeth's story

For almost four years now, Marybeth has been engaged in selling rtw (ready to wear) clothing by online sales through the internet. She has sold t-shirts, blouses, jeans and pants. She is a married woman and has four children, with one still attending school. Her husband has a job that helps meet the family's daily needs.

To improve the flow of her sales and profit, she has decided to take a loan. She will use it to purchase assorted clothing such as joggers, blouses and shorts. With these, she can continue to save and able to do some expansion.

Marybeth is hoping that someday she will become a successful entrepreneur and able to support the needs of her children as well.

This loan is special because:

It provides training and capital for this borrower.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details