A loan helped a single mum with a dream of changing her life to purchase modern farm inputs and improve her crop production.

Joyce's story

Success requires sacrifice, and that is why Joyce works hard. She is a 25-year-old single woman living in Mogogosiek, a town that supports farming. Thanks to her work, passion, and determination, she has given her family a solid reputation.

Joyce is seeking this loan to buy farming inputs which she will use to improve her production and make more income for her family.

The coronavirus pandemic posed a serious challenge in major parts of the country, causing a serious threat to many families. Joyce hopes that Kiva lenders will be inspired to support her with a loan.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details