A loan helped to buy farm inputs such as nutrient-rich fertilizers to improve her crop farming and generate more income.

Emmy's story

Get to know Emmy (she is 43 years old and mother of 4 kids). Though Emmy suffered from a poor upbringing, she always appreciates her life and having lovely children. She works hard each day and puts all her efforts into her farming business.

Emmy is a small-scale farmer from Litein, Kenya, a rural town known for crop farming. For the past few years, Emmy has been actively involved in mixed farming (crop and dairy farming), which are her primary sources of income. Emmy sells her produce to the nearby market and also to neighbors. She has been making positive strides. Although she practices crop and animal farming, she has not been making good profits because of poor farming inputs. That is why she is seeking a loan to buy farm inputs.

Through this loan, she will be able to buy farm inputs such as nutrient-rich fertilizers to improve her corn production and generate more income to elevate the quality of life for her children. Modern farming requires the use of modern techniques, and high-quality seeds will assure her of a bumper harvest and increased profits. Emmy hopes for your understanding and help.

Make a loan and push Emmy’s dream closer to reality. She's very thankful in advance.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

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