A loan helped to buy soil amendments, fungicide, and pay for workers for maintaining his granadilla crop.

Edgar Javier's story

Javier is 28 years old and lives with his son and wife in Sachapamba in the village of Cahuasquí, in the north of Ecuador. This place stands out of its bountiful agricultural terrain and temperate climate.

Javier works in agriculture, with his own granadilla and bean crops. Thanks to the work he does every day on his land, his crops are in good condition, but to be able to continue working, he requires the assistance of a loan to buy soil amendments, fungicide, and pay for workers for strengthening the granadilla.

This will be Javier's seventh Kiva loan. All of his previous loans were cancelled. Javier works a lot to be able to provide his family with better conditions since the household income is provided by agriculture and he will be very thankful for Kiva if he is assisted to be able to have a harvest in good conditions.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It finances farmers' secondary income generating business.

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