A loan helped us launch our solar install division: hire a crew, PPE, tools, materials, permits, & design plans.

Tara's story

I grew up in Omaha, Nebraska and met my husband the summer after we had both graduated high school. Around the same time my husband chose for his career the electrical field. Over the years he was learning his trade and moving up from electrical apprentice, to licensed wireman, and then to licensed journeyman electrician for the union. At the same time, l was learning about eating organic, recycling, and the effects we have on the environment. After 20 years of working in the electrical field we moved south to the great state of Tennessee and decided to start our own electrical company. In 2017, after my husband Troy took the needed classes, he passed the exam and became a licensed electrical contractor. Since starting the company, we have found a new market for green appliances with solar panels at the forefront. We have just now in July 2022, partnered with a solar panel company and sales team to perform solar panel installations in the state of Tennessee. However, there are costs involved in starting this new solar install division. These costs include getting our crews trained, purchasing safety equipment for our employees, paying engineers for design plans, etc. We are confident that with your help, we will be able to make the state of Tennessee a bit more environmentally friendly through renewable energy.

This loan is special because:

It supports this passionate entrepreneur to expand their business.

Loan details

About Troy Salerno Electric Inc.

Industry: Construction
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: TroySalernoElectric.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details