A loan helped a woman-owned business acquire inventory to create more products and expand her natural soaps offerings.

Jasmine's story

I’ve always had sensitive skin, so I started using natural soaps. After a while, they became more expensive so I started making my own at home & my friends & family would ask me to make them some so I started making soaps in batches & had people offer money for them. I thought it was a great small business to start & help people save money when buying natural soaps. I make about 15-20 different kinds of natural soaps & often create different natural scents that smell so good! With the soaps I created, you don’t even have to use lotion on your skin!

My customers motivate me to explore my soap-making skills every time they come back & tell me how much they love my soaps & how they want more bars than their first purchase. Or how my soaps help clear up a rash or bad skin acne. My passion for helping people with their skincare so it looks beautiful & is being cared for by natural soaps and nothing that will be harmful to their skin is why I love making Lasale’s Healing Soaps.

This loan is special because:

It supports a female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About Lasale’s Healing soaps LLC

Industry: Retail
Years in operation: More than 5 years

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details