Sra. Sonia is 56 years old, single, and has four children. She sells clothes at the city market. Sonia has been doing this for 30 years. Her typical day involves waking up early to prepare breakfast. Afterward, she goes to work at her vending stall.
Her previous loan was invested in her business and helped to increase her merchandise. This loan will be used to increase her inventory so that she can generate more income. Sonia knows the other members of her group because they are friends. Her goals and aspirations related to this loan are to grow her business and generate more profits. Regarding her family and personal life, she wants to improve the way of life for her entire family with the increased income she earns.
In this group: Sonia, Laura Aleida, Dana Elizabeth, Jose Miguel, Adriana Alejandra, Wara Ariana, Antony Kael, Paula Pamela
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.