A loan helped to buy 2 oxen and chicks, bags of maize bran and vitamins and to save to take care of the family.

Bernadette's story

Bernadette is the mother of 4 children who go to school.
She is a breeder and has been raising chickens and ruminants for 3 years in a peripheral district.
She is in her fourth loan cycle with the microfinance institution YIKRI and is repaying her loans well.

She plans to use the loan to buy 2 oxen and chicks, bags of maize bran and vitamins to raise them well in order to resell them when the time is right.
She plans to reinvest the profits in her breeding and to save to take care of her family.

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers access financial services on flexible terms with no collateral requirements.

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Lenders and lending teams

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