A loan helped a member to buy dairy products, baked goods, legumes, beverages, etc.

Kuña Mbarete Group's story

The Kuña Mbarete committee is a group that has been working together for several years, where everyone helps each other to grow and get ahead. They are also part of the program for the elimination of poverty.

Fatima is one of the members. She is married and the mother of a family. Currently, she makes a living from selling from her corner store. She is a very active woman with the desire to get ahead and improve her quality of life and that of her family.

She defines herself as an enterprising person who fights for her loved ones so that they do not go through need or deprivation.

She is requesting this loan to buy dairy products, baked goods, legumes, beverages, etc.

Note: In the photo only one person appears, but this is a group loan. It was not possible to take a group photo in order to avoid crowding people due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this group: Nuar Leticia, Fatima, Maria Dolores, Maria Asuncion, Maria Estela, Ignacia Yolanda, Arminda, Yessica Rafaela, Estefani Gabriela, Marciana, Denia Elvira, Yenny Alexandra, Maria Fatima, Clara Marlene, Liz Lorena, Virginia Ramona, Gloria Beatriz, Gloria Esthefany

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sarah Tyler.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details