A loan helped to buy t-shirts, sandals, watches, creams, caps, trainers, etc.

Cindy Gabriela's story

Cindy Gabriela is 31 years old. She is married, she has 2 children who are 1 and 8 years old. The eldest studies at school. Her husband works for a private business. They live in a family home. They live in Sosote, it is a parish in the Rocafuerte subdivision. Its people make and sell objects made of ivory palm, (an ivory coloured vegetable). They also make sausages from pigs guts. All of this is made in clay pots which gives its unique, traditional flavour.

Cindy Gabriela sells clothes, accessories, jewellery, creams and perfumes from home. She buys it from people who bring the goods from the USA. She has her customers who are always buying from her and she gives them credit. She also offers her goods on the internet and whatsapp, with home deliveries.

This loan is to buy t-shirts, sandals, watches, creams, caps, trainers, etc.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Erica McLay.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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