A loan helped to buy pigs to raise and clothing to sell.

Nirina's story

Nirina is a 34 year-old woman who is married and has 3 children in her care. She lives in her own home in a neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. Nirina raises pigs, and she's also had a business selling second-hand clothing for 13 years. Her husband is a truck driver. The couple help each other to provide for the needs of their family.

Nirina joined Vahatra to take loans, and this has been beneficial for her. She has been able to deposit her profits into savings. At this time, Nirina wishes to add more pigs to her livestock enterprise and have more merchandise to sell. She needs more money to do this, so she is turning to the lenders to rquest their help. With this loan, she plans to buy 3 medium-sized pigs and 520kg of pig feed. She will also buy a bale of second-hand clothing to sell in the market. She will continue to increase her savings, and also plans to install electricity in her house later on.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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