A loan helped to buy school supplies and pay tuition fees for her children.

Trâm's story

Ms. Trâm is 47 years old, married, and has 2 children who are going to high school. She and her husband are workers at local factory. CHI Tram lives in Nghi Son town, a small coastal region in the Thanh Hoa province.

Her family is a low-income household in the village. It is a coastal area with frequent natural disasters and floods. She joined Thanh Hoa Microfinance Institution in 2021.

She asked for this second loan cycle to buy school supplies and pay tuition fees for her children.

Trâm hopes for her work to be stable, to have enough money to take care of her children, and for her family to be healthy and happy.

This loan is special because:

It provides children from low-income families with greater access to education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details