A loan helped a game and hobby store company focused on community acquire inventory and expand marketing.

Rhydon's story

I'm a young businessman from Illinois who's always cared about his hometown and making games. From a young age, I knew I would become a toy maker.
When I was in high school, my senior project was starting the first business I still run. Speedrobo Games has been an essential part of my life, and now I am working on creating its sister company, Space Boat Games.

Space Boat Games is a retail game store with a distinct focus on community. The game store industry has a reputation for being uninviting to many people. We intend to welcome those groups rather than push them away. Not every game is for everyone, but the hobby as a whole is. By changing the perception of what a game store is and who a game store is for, we hope to bring positivity to our community.

By creating a company to help with retail and sales, Speedrobo Games will also benefit. Independent creators and manufacturers produce our products in the Mid-West. Promoting and increasing the sales of these products will positively impact the amount of money and work going to American manufacturers.

This loan is special because:

It helps an experienced entrepreneur serve their community.

Loan details

About Space Boat Games LLC

Industry: Entertainment
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years
Website: speedrobogames.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details