A loan helped a member to purchase clothing, shoes, perfume, cosmetics, plastics, and household appliances.

Bendicion De Dios La Resistencia Group's story

Meet the community association: Bendición de Dios la Resistencia, made up of 8 clients who are responsible, punctual and organized, its members have as main sources of income: sale of clothes, grocery stores, sale of footwear, sale of household appliances and sale of handicrafts.

SONIA MERCEDES (is 48 years old and wears: black shirt, blue pants, wears glasses) 3 years ago promujer gave her the opportunity to start working with a credit, is considered a responsible person, cheerful, dynamic, married, live a total of 4 people, has 23 years and a child, her dream and hope is to expand the business and improve the quality of their product, the credit will use it in the purchase of clothing, shoes, perfumes, cosmetics, plastics, This will help her to expand the business because she has been offering a variety of products for 4 years, what she likes the most is that she is an independent person, the challenges she has is that there are moments when sales are low but she does not stop selling, to continue growing is not an option, it has become an obligation because she can not stay stagnant either economically or personally, the vision is to grow every day.

Count on you to continue progressing!

In this group: Sonia Mercedes , Miriam Yorlenys , Dilma Gloria , Dixania Lisbeth , Crenna , Dayana Del Carmen , Jose Alfredo , Jonathan Francisco

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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