A loan helped to purchase the biodigester for his daily cooking and improving soil quality.

Hak's story

Hak is a farmer living in the Kampong Cham province of Cambodia with five members of his family. He runs his own homestead farm and has a small parcel of land used to earn the livelihood for the family. He is well-known among his fellows for his hardworking nature in farming cattle and land where he grows green vegetables.

Hak wants to buy a biodigester because he wants to produce organic vegetables to sell in the market. The biodigester will convert animal manure into a bio gas for use in daily cooking and organic fertilizer for farming.

Having a loan to buy a biodigester to obtain cheaper solutions of biogas and fertilizers will save Hak a great deal of money and time for cooking fuel and organic fertilizers. That will in turn boost his farming activities.

This loan is special because:

This loan is special because it enables rural populations to access life-changing cooking technology

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