A loan helped to purchase solar home systems that will be financed for more than a thousand households in Madagascar.

Heri-Go Madagascar's story

HERi-GO is a social business that distributes clean energy products and services through a network of energy kiosks managed by female entrepreneurs in the heart of rural villages in Madagascar. HERi was founded in 2012 to enable the most vulnerable rural populations to access innovative products and services while simultaneously promoting socioeconomic development and reducing the impact on the environment. Since 2012, the company has expanded its operations to different regions of the country.

After two successful Kiva loans which allowed Heri-Go Madagascar to provide solar home systems to hundreds of families, Heri-GO is keen to keep this momentum going and help more families to get access to renewable energy in Madagascar.

This loan is special because:

It catalyzes access to affordable solar-powered products for lower-income households across Africa and Asia.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details