A loan helped to buy 1000 kg of feed for his pigs' diet.

Sylvie's story

The woman in the photo is named Sylvie. She is 37 years old. The couple has eight children. Sylvie is a high school teacher. The couple also works in farming and animal farming.

The family wants to build their own home, so, supported by her spouse, Sylvie is determined to expand her activities. She opted to expand to pig farming to start.

She is asking the lenders to help her buy 1000 kg of feed for the pigs she already has. She'll resell the pigs after fattening them, and then she will buy some more. She will put her income aside as cash and in-kind savings for her construction project.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Alexandra Kenin.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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