A loan helped to buy supplies for her restaurant, including bananas, rice, beef, chicken and sweet potatoes.

Imelda's story

Imelda B. lives in the Lubaga neighborhood of Kampala, Uganda. She is widowed, has six children and also cares for her brother's daughters. For the last 10 years, she has made a living by running a restaurant, where she works six days a week. She supplements her income by renting rooms and selling food in her home. Imelda is applying for a loan for 1,000,000 Ugandan Shillings from MCDT SACCO to buy food for her restaurant, including rice, bananas, beef and chicken. The main challenge she faces is transportation, especially during the rainy season. In the future, she hopes to open a second restaurant. Imelda owns her home and has access to electricity and water. Her major monthly expenses include medicines and feeding her family.

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