A loan helped a member to buy clothing items and footwear to sell.

Damas Presentes Group's story

The idea of being part of this loan group motivates every member - they all have the goal of offering their families a higher quality of life. The members are from the city of Concepcion, a difficult area owing to the presence of armed groups. The group members are all fighting for higher quality of life.

One member of the group is Rosalia Natali. She is married and has three children, for whom she fights to move forward. She does this by selling clothing and footwear. Rosalia says that she is looking for ways to continue growing, and so, for this reason, she joined the loan group to achieve her goals.

Rosalia is applying for this loan to buy clothing items and footwear to sell. She can then continue with her sales.

Rosalia is grateful for this opportunity to be a part of the loan group, which will be of great help to her.

Note: although this is a group loan, only three people appear in the photo. This is because bringing together a group of people is not permitted owing to COVID-19 restrictions.

In this group: Maria Leonida, Rosalia Natali, Maria Del Carmen Concepcion, Hilda Mabel, Maria Noemia, Elva Sofia, Marisa Mabel, Alejandra Paloma, Analia Natalia, Liz Paola, Rosana, Griselda Fabiana, Isidora Ramona, Maria Maximina, Reinalda Bentura, Marta Carolina, Maria Asuncion, Maria Del Carmen, Felicia, Vicenta, Nicolasa

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

This loan is special because:

It’s designed for rural areas with high levels of crime and social conflict.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details