A loan helped to pay for household latrine construction.

Samart's story

Samart, age 43, lives with her family in the area of Phnum Proek district, Battambong province. She earns a living by operating a small convenience shop offering many types of products, including grocery items, snack foods, sweets, powders, canned food, noodles and miscellaneous household items. Her spouse works at a small company to help earn additional income.

Because of a shortage in her finances, she has applied for a loan in the amount of KHR 8,000,000 to pay for household latrine construction. This loan will help to purchase construction supplies for a latrine, as well as pay for labor costs.

Having a household latrine will help prevent the spread of various diseases and her family members will have a clean and comfortable place for their personal needs.

In the future, Samart aims to purchase more land for agricultural purposes and open a small grocery store to earn additional income.

She sends her thanks to all lenders for helping her family.

This loan is special because:

It provides access to clean, renewable energy sources, like solar and biogas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details