A loan helped to pay for household latrine construction.

Thim's story

Thim is a 38-year-old experienced farmer, a married woman from the Kaoh Thum District of Kandal Province. She lives with her family, and she is engaged in growing rice and raising some poultry at home to cover the family's needs. She has knowledge in growing rice such as land preparation, cultivation and growth of rice, fertilizers, diseases on rice and other agriculture tasks. Thim and her husband are honest and industrious in their daily duties, because she wants to raise her living conditions and provide for her children's basic needs.

Because of a shortage in her finances, she has applied for a loan in the amount of USD 2,000 to pay for household latrine construction. This fund can encourage her to pay on purchase for construction supplies as well pay for labor costs. This latrine is very useful for her family members for reasons such as: preventing the spread of various diseases, a dignified living, clean and comfortable, a suitable place for bathing, participating in social sanitation, no mud around the house.

She aims to purchase more land for agricultural purposes and open a small grocery store to earn additional income. She sends her thanks to all lenders for helping her family.

This loan is special because:

It provides access to clean, renewable energy sources, like solar and biogas.

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Lenders and lending teams

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