A loan helped to pay for ground filler to cover the mud around her house.

Vanna's story

Vanna, age 46, lives with her family in the area of the Angkor Borei district, Takeo province. She earns a living working as merchant. She operates a small convenience shop offering many types of products to local people in her community including grocery items, snack foods, sweets, powders, canned food, noodles, and miscellaneous household things. Vanna and her husband help each other earn household income so that they can provide for food, medicine, education, and basic living needs.

Because of a shortage in her finances, she has applied for a loan of 8,000,000 KHR to pay for ground filler to cover the mud around her house. With this loan support, she can pay for the ground filling and provide her family members with a good environment and fresh air, protecting them from illness and creating good living conditions. In the future, she aims to renovate her old house and purchase more land for agriculture purposes. She believes that through her hard work and perseverance, she will be able to attain a better standard of living someday.

This loan is special because:

It provides access to clean, renewable energy sources, like solar and biogas.

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